
with a business purpose.

Business Enablers

The rapid evolution of technology enabling the digital revolution and big data processing has truly empowered not just policyholders but also roles across every insurer’s organization. As a result, the line between who proposes and implements technology to benefit the insurance business is increasingly blurred.

It may be the insurance business thinking about how to leverage their data themselves. Or it may be the IT team working so closely with the business that they continuously generate ideas for impactful Insurance and InsurTech applications. Either way, technology can now more than ever be a key competitive advantage for insurers.

At Sciente Consulting, we unite insurance, technology, and analytics. Our perspective focuses on using technology to enable insurance business strategies and leveraging analytics to drive decision-making. We believe every insurance solution must aim to either enhance policyholder experiences, improve operational efficiencies, or better manage risks. Thus we look at simple effective technology solutions to effectively leverage on data, the associated analytics, visualization, and AI models.

With this lens of catalyzing positive insurance transformation, we help clients design new insurance business scenarios as blueprints to develop and implement the right solutions drawing on our insurance, technology, and analytics expertise. Given the breadth of available technologies, we also partner with clients’ vendors or our own to deliver best-of-breed insurance solutions.